Nuxeo Showcase - Layout Service (forms, views, and actions)


Widget displaying a widget for this action, useful for building incremental layouts using actions filtering and ordering features (typically generic document summary views).
Widget name widgetName The widget name.
Widget category widgetCategory The widget category.
Widget mode widgetMode The widget mode, defaults to "view".
Display action label displayActionLabel The boolean value stating if the action label should be displayed. Defaults to "false".
Display widget label displayWidgetLabel The boolean value stating if the widget label should be displayed. Defaults to "false".
Style class styleClass The action style class.
Onclick onclick Javascript code to call when clicking on the action.
Target target The action target, for instance "_blank".
Confirm confirm Javascript confirmation code, called when clicking on the action.
Confirm message confirmMessage Alternative to the "confirm" property, only stating the confirmation message, that can be a message to translate.
Confirm message arguments confirmMessageArgs Confirm message arguments, referenced by the confirm message translation in files.