Sometimes your content needs to be gathered in a box: listings, small forms, options, filters. The platform contains two types of boxes: foldable boxes with options, and bubble boxes. For each box you add, chose a title, define your content, select a box type and think about where you want to display the box: your box's container will handle the global width of your box.
Bubble boxes
A .bubbleBox div class contains a .bubbleHeader div class with a h3 title. The .bubbleHeader div is followed by a .boxBody div class for the box content. The content can be plain text, tables, forms, etc ... Here are several possibilities to display the .bubbleBox:
- Simple box: a .bubbleBox div class, that automatically defines the borders and margins,
- Box with button: add a .button input class before the h3 in the .bubbleHeader.
Simple box
Just a title and some content in a paragraph.
Box with button
HTML text block
A .textBlock div displays the text as a note, in accordance with default HTML formatting. The width will depend of the block's container.
Hooray ! A text block !
- I can write lists
- All types of lists,
- even nested ones \o/