Nuxeo Showcase - Layout Service (forms, views, and actions)

Multiple vocabulary suggestion

Type suggestManyDirectory
Title Multiple directory suggestion

Uses Select2 JS library to render a selection / suggestion widget where suggestions are loaded from a given directory.

Available Since Version 5.7.3
Accepting Sub Widgets
Handling Labels
Containing Form
Handler Class org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.forms.layout.facelets.plugins.TemplateWidgetTypeHandler
Properties {template=/widgets/suggest_many_directory_widget_template.xhtml}
Categories document
Directory Name directoryName Name of the directory
Width width Default value: 100% The suggestion width.
Localize localize Activate localization of vocabulary labels. Labels are translated as usual picking values in messages*.properties files. Database localization should also be activated if localized labels are provided by the vocabulary itself.
Activate database localization dbl10n Activate retrieval of localized labels in the vocabulary database, when translations are held by the directory itself, in fields with a label_[lang] pattern, and defaulting to label_en. Available since 6.0.
Label field name labelFieldName Name of the Directory field that should be used to define the Label of entry. If not set 'label' will be used. In case of localization with a directory field for each supported language (see dbl10n option), by default fields with pattern like 'label_en', 'label_fr' or 'label_de' will be searched. You can customize looked up fields by specifying a pattern like 'label_{lang}' where the part {lang} will be replaced with the current locale.
Container css class containerCssClass Css class of the Select2 selection container
Inline Javascript inlinejs Javascript to be injected in the page with the Widget. You can define here custom formatters referenced in "Selection Formatter" and "Suggestion Formatter" fields. Example: <pre> function myFormatter(entry) { var markup = entry.displayLabel; return markup; } </pre>
Selection Formatter selectionFormatter Name of the JavaScript function that will be called by the widget to do the formatting of the selected entries. The target function should take as input the javascript Document as returned by Automation and should return some Html. Use the "Inline Javascript" property field to define your own formatter.
Select2 separator separator Separator character or string used to delimit ids in value attribute of the multi-valued selects. The default delimiter is the , character.
Directory Name directoryName Name of the directory
Required required
Placeholder placeholder String representing a short hint (a word or short phrase) intended to aid the user with data entry.
Width width Default value: 100% The suggestion width.
Select2 frequency frequency Delay (in milliseconds) before sending a request to the server after a character is typed. Default value is 300ms.
Select2 closeOnSelect closeOnSelect If set to false the dropdown is not closed after a selection is made, allowing for rapid selection of multiple items. By default this option is set to true.
Minimum characters minChars Default value: 0 The minimal number of characters to type for the suggestion to be active. Defaults to 3.
Limit returned results limit The maximal number of result returned by the suggestion. Defaults to unlimited.
Fetch Mode contains This attribute controls the fetch mode for directory entries. Directory entries can either be fetched if they start with the search term or if thery contain the search term. Available since 5.9.2.
Orderable orderable This attribute controls the possibility to order the selected items. Available since 5.6.
Localize localize Activate localization of vocabulary labels. Labels are translated as usual picking values in messages*.properties files. Database localization should also be activated if localized labels are provided by the vocabulary itself.
Activate database localization dbl10n Activate retrieval of localized labels in the vocabulary database, when translations are held by the directory itself, in fields with a label_[lang] pattern, and defaulting to label_en. Available since 6.0.
Label field name labelFieldName Name of the Directory field that should be used to define the Label of entry. If not set 'label' will be used. In case of localization with a directory field for each supported language (see dbl10n option), by default fields with pattern like 'label_en', 'label_fr' or 'label_de' will be searched. You can customize looked up fields by specifying a pattern like 'label_{lang}' where the part {lang} will be replaced with the current locale.
Can select parent canSelectParent Check this option to allow selection of intermediate groups.
Filter parent filterParent Check this option to apply filter on intermediate groups.
Display obsolete entries displayObsoleteEntries
Ajax reRender ajaxReRender Ajax rerender ids, separated by commas.
Help Label helpLabel The help label is displayed below the widget.
Hide Help Label hideHelpLabel This attribute controls the possibility to hide the help label. Available since 5.7.
Container css class containerCssClass Css class of the Select2 selection container
Dropdown css class dropdownCssClass Css class of the Select2 dropdown suggestion
Inline Javascript inlinejs Javascript to be injected in the page with the Widget. You can define here custom formatters referenced in "Selection Formatter" and "Suggestion Formatter" fields. Example: <pre> function myFormatter(entry) { var markup = entry.displayLabel; return markup; } </pre>
Selection Formatter selectionFormatter Name of the JavaScript function that will be called by the widget to do the formatting of the selected entries. The target function should take as input the javascript Document as returned by Automation and should return some Html. Use the "Inline Javascript" property field to define your own formatter.
Suggestion Formatter suggestionFormatter Name of the JavaScript function that will be called by select2 to do the formatting of the suggestedentries. The target function should take as input the javascript Document as returned by Automation and should return some Html. Use the "Inline Javascript" property field to define your own formatter.
Can add new entry canAddNewEntry Boolean stating if user should be able to add a new entry on the directory from this widget. Available since 5.9.1, defaults to "false".
Filter for adding a new entry addNewEntryFilter The action filter id used to check whether user should be presented the 'add new entry' action on the suggestion widget. The variable 'directoryName' is available in context for this filter evaluation. Available since 5.9.1, defaults to 'canAddEntryFromSuggestDirectoryWidget'.
Select2 separator separator Separator character or string used to delimit ids in value attribute of the multi-valued selects. The default delimiter is the , character.