Nuxeo Showcase - Layout Service (forms, views, and actions)


Widget displaying a button that will open a fancybox.
Label label The action label.
Include include The template path to show as the fancybox content (ignored if property "iframe" is filled). If this template holds a form, it should be using the variable "fancyboxFormId" as its form id for the fancybox to be reopened on validation error. Example: "/incl/bulk_edit_box.xhtml"
Iframe iframe URL to display as the fancybox content. Example: "#{'#{'}previewActions.getCurrentDocumentPreviewPopupURL()}"
icon icon The action icon path. Example: "/icons/contextual_menu/share.png".
Style class styleClass The action style class.
Onclick onclick Javascript code to call when clicking on the action.
Confirm confirm Javascript confirmation code, called when clicking on the action.
Confirm message confirmMessage Alternative to the "confirm" property, only stating the confirmation message, that can be a message to translate.
Confirm message arguments confirmMessageArgs Confirm message arguments, referenced by the confirm message translation in files.
Width width The fancybox width, defaults to "90%".
Height height The fancybox height, defaults to "90%".
Scrolling scrolling The fancybox scrolling behaviour, used to create or hide scrollbars. Defaults to "auto", also accepts 'yes' or 'no'.
Auto scale autoScale The boolean value stating if the fancybox is scaled to fit in viewport. Defaults to "true".
Auto dimensions autoDimensions The boolean value stating if the fancybox is resized when the view is changed by ajax actions for instance. Defaults to "true". The fancybox should have dimensions for this to work properly.
Modal modal The boolean value stating if the fancybox is modal and cannot be closed when using the escape button, for instance. Defaults to "false".
centerOnScroll centerOnScroll The boolean value stating if the fancybox is centered while scrolling the page. Defaults to "true".
enableEscapeButton enableEscapeButton The boolean value stating if the fancybox is closed when pressing the escape key. Defaults to "true".