Nuxeo Showcase - Layout Service (forms, views, and actions)

Icon and document type

Type listing_icon_type
Title Icon and document type

This widget type displays a draggable icon corresponding to a document.

It requires the following fields configuration:

  • first field maps the document model, the jsf method nxd:iconPath will be used to provide its icon
  • second field maps the unique id to be used as drag/drop identified (e.g. the document model id)
  • third field maps the icon title (can be the document model type)
  • fourth field maps a boolean stating whether the widget displays a droppable zone (e.g. if document is folderish)

Available Since Version 5.4.0
Accepting Sub Widgets
Handling Labels
Containing Form
Handler Class org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.forms.layout.facelets.plugins.TemplateWidgetTypeHandler
Properties {template=/widgets/listing/listing_icon_type_widget_template.xhtml}
Categories listing