Nuxeo Showcase - Layout Service (forms, views, and actions)

Title with link

Type listing_title_link
Title Title with link

This widget type displays a link to navigate to a document, as well as a download link for the document binary content.

It requires the following fields configuration:

  • first field maps the document model, it will be used to display the document link and its title
  • second field maps the unique id to be used for contextual menu (e.g. the document model id)
  • third field maps the displayed link title (can be the document model description)
  • fourth field maps the document model file to be used for download link
  • fifth field maps the file name to be used for download link (can be the document model file name property value)

It also requires the following properties configuration:

  • file_schema: the file schema name, used to check whether download link should be displayed (e.g: file)
  • file_property_name: the file property name (e.g file:content)

Available Since Version 5.4.0
Accepting Sub Widgets
Handling Labels
Containing Form
Handler Class org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.forms.layout.facelets.plugins.TemplateWidgetTypeHandler
Properties {template=/widgets/listing/listing_title_link_widget_template.xhtml}
Categories listing
Tab tab The tab to select when clicking on the document link. Available since 5.4.2.
Sub Tab subTab The sub tab to select when clicking on the document link. Available since 5.5.
Tabs tabs Combination of tabs to select when clicking on the document link. Sample value: MAIN_TABS:document. Available since 7.3.
Target target Available since 6.0. The target attribute of the link.
Link Pattern pattern The document pattern to use for this link (optional). Available since 8.1.
Link View view The document view to use for this link (optional). Available since 8.1.
Hide External Link hideExternalLink Default value: true Available since 5.7.2. Flag indicating that the external link, opening the document in a new conversation, must be hidden.
Hide Download Link hideDownloadLink Available since 6.0. Flag indicating that the download link must be hidden.