Nuxeo Showcase - Layout Service (forms, views, and actions)

Single vocabulary radio

Type selectOneRadioDirectory
Title Single vocabulary radio

This widget displays radio buttons in edit mode for given category.

Accepting Sub Widgets
Handling Labels
Containing Form
Handler Class org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.forms.layout.facelets.plugins.DirectorySelectOneRadioWidgetTypeHandler
Categories document
Vocabulary directoryName
Localize localize Activate localization of vocabulary labels. Labels are translated as usual picking values in messages*.properties files. Database localization should also be activated if localized labels are provided by the vocabulary itself.
Display id and label displayIdAndLabel
Style style
Style class styleClass
Required required
Layout layout The select layout binding.
Localize localize Activate localization of vocabulary labels. Labels are translated as usual picking values in messages*.properties files. Database localization should also be activated if localized labels are provided by the vocabulary itself.
Display id and label displayIdAndLabel
Display obsolete entries displayObsoleteEntries
Do not display the default option notDisplayDefaultOption Default value: true True if there should not be displayed a "Please select a value" option
Sort criterion ordering Default value: label
Style cssStyle
Style class cssStyleClass